The location offers exceptional views of the Bay of Kotor. Accordingly, the terraces and main rooms are oriented towards the highest quality views. Taking into account the fragmented structure of local houses, the proximity of olive groves and the environment that is more rural than urban, the goal was that the building does not burden the existing image of the settlement with its size.For that reason, the building is vertically divided into 3 narrower, visually similar structures, which give the impression of belonging to the place.
The horizontal stratification of the building is also emphasized, by treating the second floor in stone. In that way, during the approach to the building, the impression is created as if it were three ground floor units, and not a multi-storey building. Functionally and visually, one of the cubes is vertical communication.It is connected to the rest of the building by bridges over which the residential units on the first and second floors are entered. The choice of such a functional solution stemmed from the desire of investors to have separate housing units, which are further emphasized by this treatment of form.